How can I attract and convert holiday home sales?

Let's talk growth

We have seen the digital landscape dramatically shift behaviours and buyer attitudes when purchasing a holiday home.

Consumers carry out extensive online research when buying a holiday home, and they need to establish trust in park owners and retailers before making a high-value purchase.

Here, we uncover how inbound digital marketing has become the most effective way to attract and convert motorhome sales over and above your competition. Before we continue, it is crucial to understand ‘what is inbound marketing?’.


What is Inbound Digital Marketing, and why is it winning the day to attract and convert holiday home sales?

Inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that pulls people INto your business and brand. 75% of holiday home buyers are already searching for answers online, researching your industry, checking out your competitors, and trying to decide if they need your product or service.

Content marketing, email and social media marketing, as well as marketing automation, are integral parts of an inbound marketing strategy that naturally attracts inbound traffic to be converted, closed, and delighted over time.

When we think about traditional marketing methods, we typically think about outbound marketing, such as running print ads or exhibiting at a tradeshow, where you are pushing your marketing message OUT to a given audience, hoping for a response, a lead, and new business.

There are many advantages to inbound digital marketing. Here are just a few:

  • It is comparatively inexpensive.
  • It is effective at empowering your motorhome buyers rather than interrupting them.
  • It utilises your website content and social media platforms to help your customers find you. 


Inbound marketing COSTS 62% LESS than traditional marketing endeavours, yet
generates 3x the amount of qualified leads. 

Inbound methods produce 54% MORE LEADS than traditional outbound methods.

Businesses who prioritise blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI

Companies see 6x higher conversion rates by implementing content marketing compared to those who don’t

Take your holiday home ideal buyers through the buyer’s journey to become your customers

As a purchase of a holiday home can have a relatively long buying cycle, you will want to engage with and nurture your leads at every given opportunity to move them along all of the stages of the buyer’s journey. Educating and building trust with them will make them more likely to choose you over your competitors. 

The buyer’s journey, or customer journey as it is also known, is the process buyers go through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and finally decide to purchase a holiday home.

Today’s consumer is steered towards social media and the internet when researching. Here they can find the information they are looking for in the form of relevant content, guiding them through the buyer’s journey to ultimately purchase a holiday home. 

Click here to learn more about the buyer’s journey.

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Attract your customers and convert more Park Home sales

Why should you work with Create2Convert to attract and convert more sales opportunities?

We help companies who’ve spent a lot of time and money to provide high-quality leads to their sales team, but it turns out those leads are not as good as they’d hoped. Typically you’ve purchased lists or gone to exhibitions and events to reach your goals, but the leads just aren’t very good, and the sales team is concerned. Are you experiencing similar challenges?

With us as your marketing partner, you can reap the rewards of an innovative inbound digital strategy in which different activities complement each other to bring more visitors to your website, nurture and build trust and convert them into more qualified holiday home sales leads.

How do we deliver?

Nothing we do at Create2Convert is done on a hunch. Our strategies are based on research that informs your campaigns, assuring you identify and hit the right targets. We track every touchpoint your leads have with you and provide detailed analysis and reporting, which puts you in the best position to evaluate your success.

We see ourselves as a natural extension of your team, offering a frictionless approach that strengthens and redefines your marketing and sales operations.

We give you inbound marketing expertise and a team of experts on hand 365 days a year. We understand that your company, and the holiday home sales market you operate in, are constantly evolving. That’s why we fine-tune our inbound marketing strategies to your immediate and long-term business goals.

Food for thought…

Some takeaway pointers if you are thinking about Inbound Digital Marketing are…. 

  • The way consumers make buying decisions has evolved in recent times.
  • When done properly, the return on investment from inbound digital marketing way outperforms outbound marketing methods.
  • It all starts with a great optimised website, relevant quality content and a strong social media presence.
  • Inbound Marketing enables you to help strangers become aware of and convert them into qualified leads where they will consider and evaluate to ultimately decide to buy your product and service over your competitors.
  • If you haven’t the resources to do inbound digital marketing, then as Inbound specialists and as certified marketing automation platform partners, we are well positioned to help you to achieve your goals and ensure future growth for your business.


We love helping businesses like yours. No sales pitches, just sound advice.

Click below to book a half-hour chat with one of our inbound marketing specialists, and we’ll help you to attract and convert more holiday home sales.